Planning Maps

The UK Map Centre is a licenced OS partner, supplying detailed OS maps for a wide variety of purposes: from planning applications and land registrations; to land management projects; civil engineering works; and lesiure maps for tourists and holiday makers. The links below highlight some of these products available to purchase on our website


1:500 & 1:1250 Planning Pack - OS MasterMap Topography Layer®

Whether you’re building a house or a block of flats, all planning
applications need a map called a ‘Location Plan’ showing the proposal
and its surrounding context. Some local authorities also require a
‘Block Plan’ (sometimes called a site plan) which outlines the
development in a larger scale, but not necessarily in greater detail. A
Location Plan is the 1:1250 scale and the Block Plan/Site Plan is the

Plot and Purchase Now

OS Mastermap® Data for GIS or CAD

OS MasterMap Topography Layer gives you access to the most detailed,
current and comprehensive dataset of Great Britain in a CAD compatible

Plot and Purchase Now